Friday, August 22, 2008

A Poem About Being Fat

I want to share this with my Plurk friends and this seemed better than making them wade though all the stuff at my page of poetry.

      You Think You Have Problems--
      There are People Starving. . .

      Poor thing,
      are you hurt?
      Here's some cookies and milk
      to make it all better.
      Another box of cookies, please,
      some more ice cream. . .
      anything to
      satisfy the gnawing hunger
      body overfed
      my spirit starves.

      Cases of cookies can't fill the
      abysmal nothingness
      and others' eyes can't see past
      to where
      the bones are sticking out
      in my soul.

1 comment:

dj said...

It's a lovely poem, my friend. Thanks.