Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just Got More Tests Back

Just got some more of the test back that were run a month or so ago. Finally, a result that might help with a diagnosis. According to the blood test, I have an large excess of DHEA. (As in my blood reading was 1031 and normal is between 130 and 980. Below I have some information about excess DHEA.

Associated Conditions & Assay Application

In women and children, excess DHEA-SO4 can indirectly lead to virilization and hirsutism, as it is metabolized into stronger androgens such as testosterone. DHEA-SO4 measurements are important when investigating the source of excess androgens (hyperandrogenism) in cases of hirsutism, alopecia, infertility, and amenorrhea. It is also of value in the assessment of adrenarche and delayed puberty. High levels of DHEA-SO4 are often encountered in polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal tumors.


is the abbreviation for a hormone named DeHydroEpiAndrosterone. DHEA is the most abundant hormone in the blood. It is the hormone produced in the greatest quantity throughout adult life. DHEA declines with aging. Many students of the aging process perceive DHEA as an important BIOMARKER of aging. DHEA has effects on all the organ systems of the body. In appropriate concentration these effects are all beneficial; supporting optimal organ function or effect. DHEA is also a pre-hormone. It is transformed into other hormones in different parts of the body.

Beneficial Androgenic effects:
  • Maintaining and increasing bone density

  • Increasing Muscle Mass

  • Inhibition of Mammary gland, (breast) activity/growth and by inference having a preventive effect for breast cancer

  • Improving Sebaceous Gland functioning, thereby improving the skin dryness that accompanies aging skin

  • Improving libido

Beneficial Estrogenic effects:

  • Improvement in vaginal dryness

General Metabolic effect:

1. Improvement in Insulin Resistance, (pre diabetes)

Clinical Signs that may indicate DHEA Excess:

These are signs and symptoms that I look for to suggest that given dose of DHEA is excessive: greasy hair, greasy skin, acne, new facial and body hair growth in women, excess body odor.

As you can see, if you know me, I am definitely experiencing, and have always experienced except for small breasts, the advantages. ::grin:: I've also always had very oily skin and hair and an almost masculine body odor sometimes. I'm a little confused about it's effect on insulin, since I seem to be testing high for fasting sugar. Of course, I still maintain it's because I'm used to eating around 530a and these tests don't take place until 730a.

And, you will note that polycystic ovarian disease, something I have been repeatedly diagnosed with, is one of the negative side effect of excessive DHEA in females. Except that everything I read about PCOS claims that you suffer from lack of menstruation. Honey, LACK has NEVER been a problem with me. LOL Losing half my blood supply every four weeks has been a problem for me.

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