Thanks to an article in
Kafka's Calisthenics, I started remembering to breathe more again and am starting to stabilize early this year. As I go through this part of my cycle again, I will be trying to figure out how to keep from losing track of so much. Although, honestly, I did pretty well. I even managed to my food journal until about Christmas. So only about a month of not keeping it this time. And, I wasn't happy with the one I had made. It was ugly and did not track all the stuff I wanted to track. So I designed a new one yesterday.
This isn't a very clear shot, I'll print it later as a pdf. (Really need to get a usb hub for home.) I added weekly and daily goals and also space for tracking fats and carbs, which the other one did not have. And more space for listing food, the old one didn't have enough.
So I'm back on track to keep track of my food again. I'd say it doesn't really change how I eat much, but I think it will help me identify nutrients I might be missing out on. I have a list of potassium and calcium rich foods, as I don't seem to get a huge benefit from supplements, as well as list of minimum dailies for a person of the weight I wish to be.
Today I am going to try to work up some sort of "totals" for the day table that I can insert into this blog. I know no one reads this, but I would like to be able to see changes online. Probably going to put my "before" pic back up. Took it down for some reason a few months ago. Yes, possibly shame. It was taken when I was over 320 pounds and . . it ain't pretty.
I'm also working on a very comprehensive calorie counter book. Found a text only database of foods with calories, fat, pro, etc and made it almost spreadsheet ready, just going through and tweaking some places where "find and replace" failed. As soon as I sort out how to print it nicely, I'll offer it for download. It's got a LOT of foods. That is where I run into trouble food journaling, as I hate to look everything up at some of the food/diet sites. There's good ones. But it gets sooooo tiresome.
This morning I found an old . . .notebook . . it's sort of a cross between just a notebook I carried around to plan menus and shopping lists and a diary. It's from 2001. The first entry, if only I would remember what I learn, was in July, less than 2 weeks before I agreed to marry Mike. I was having doubts. I wanted to wait and sort out the Michie thing. And then ten days later he found out he had gotten the job in CA and in the excitement I forgot my own wisdom. I let myself get caught up because I had a limited time to choose. Ah well, who's to say it would have turned out better if I had stayed in CO . . would probably never had a tv show for half a decade. Although I'm so lonely it doesn't really matter a lot of the time.
Okay, that way lies crawling back in bed and crying. Need to do some research and then off to work.